Scav Hunt 2021
Join us!
Our Instagram is posting profiles of teams that might want you.
All of those profiles are compiled in this document.
UChicagoans can also keep an eye out for communiqués from their local dorm team.
What's all this, then?
It's the 35th annual University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt! It runs May 6-9, 2021.
Scav is:
●The world's largest annual scavenger hunt
●Free and open to the public
●Digitally accessible from wherever you are
●A scavenger hunt: you get a List and try to complete the items on it
●Not a scavenger hunt: you don't just find, you build, craft, perform, solve, cook...
For more information, check out the About page of our website, last year's List, or our Instagram. Or get in touch via email or our Discord!
(effervesce. share. win?)
(do some items, have some fun)
Register here!
What does it take to be a team?
Read our brief Guide!